Call the Preppies In

Call the preppies in is a little throw back to something that we used to say where I grew up. It’s a deviation of Call the cows in since I grew up on a ranch in Midlo, TX, and yes that stands for “middle of nowhere”. Well, actually, that’s my BFF’s interpretation of my hometown. I have an amazing family, wonderful friends, and the most rewarding job in the world- I teach.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time To GO BIG...

Ok..So, I am the only girl in Uptown I think that does not own a BIG GOLD CHUNKY WATCH right now! Seriously, I 'm feeling very left out..I see them everywhere..and they are adorable. I saw a ton of them while I spent last summer in NY and thought about getting one then, but didn't..they say Bid D is a year behind and guess that stands to be true! :) LOL.

It's the Michael Kohrs one that seem to be the most popular..

I plan to shop around over Spring Break...only 3 days away..thank goodness.

The battery in my Tag is out, so even more reason to splurge and go trendy right now. Btw...i have only replaced my battery once and I've had the watch almost 10 years- Tags are good stuff!


At March 12, 2009 at 10:10 AM , Blogger Preppy Pettit said...

I love that watch!


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